Click on Presenter names in the programme below to access conference materials, including handouts, presenter bios, presentation recordings and slides.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions delaying both events, the Dieback Information Group Conference and South Coast NRM Dieback Information Forum was run as a combined event in September of 2020.
The event was a fabulous two days of knowledge sharing, discussion, and collaboration on one of Western Australia’s largest biosecurity threats – Phytophthora Dieback
This year’s theme was Tools for the Future. We decided to embrace this mindset and run DIG in a hybrid format. There were options to attend and present in person or via an online platform. Experts presented research from international and interstate locations, continuing to include the broad network of countries affected by Phytophthora in the discourse depite travel restrictions.
Date: 10th & 11th September 2020
Venue: Technology Park Function Centre
2 Brodie-Hall Drive, Bentley, WA, 6102
Contact: [email protected]
Click Here for event schedule
Day 1: Thursday 10th September 2020
Dieback Information Group Conference
DWG Official Opening (8:00 - 8:50am)
Registration – Please arrive at 8:00am to check in and get seated. Beverages and fruit will be provided on arrival.
Cameron Crowe – MC (Chair | Dieback Working Group)
Welcoming Address & DWG Update
Kerry-Ann Winmar (Nyungar Tours)
Welcome to Country
Session 1: Technology & Science (8:30 - 10:30am)
Sarah Navarro – Keynote Speaker (Forest Pathologist | Department of Forestry, Oregon, USA)
Utilizing multiple landscape level detection and modelling tools for management of Phytophthora ramorum in Oregon
Louise Croeser (Plant Disease Epidemiologist | Murdoch University)
The Use of Reflectance Spectroscopy for Detecting Pathogen Infection in Corymbia Calophylla (Marri)
Treena Burgess (Interim Dean of Research | College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education | Murdoch University)
Molecular tools for the detection of Phytophthora – pros and cons
Jeremy Spencer (Principle Consultant | Great Southern Bio Logic)
Resisting Dieback: Genetic resistance to Phytophthora species in South Coast communities of Banksia coccinea
Session 2: Think Global, Act Local (11:00 - 12:40pm)
Louise Barwell – Keynote speaker (Research Associate Ecological Modeller | UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
Horizon-scanning for Future Phytophthora Threats : Trait-based Approaches
Louise Shuey (Senior Forest Pathologist | Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, Queensland)
Araucaria Dieback in the Bunya Mountains National Park
Keith McDougall (Biodiversity and Conservation | Department of Planning, Industry and Environment)
Modelling the distribution and risk of Phytophthora cinnamomi in NSW
Peter Keating (Managing Director | Bioscience)
Norfolk Island Pine Decline
Session 3: On-ground Disease Management (1:45 - 3:15pm)
Elaine Davison (Dieback Working Group BRM Sub-committee/ Curtin University)
Dieback-free basic raw materials (BRM)
Garnet Gregory (Regional Materials Manager | Main Roads WA)
Main Roads WA Dieback eradication projects – Wheatbelt region
Bill Dunstan (CPSM – Murdoch University)
Phosphite tolerance in isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi recovered from avocado orchards
Danielle Bowler (Principal Environmental Project Officer | City of Joondalup)
City of Joondalup pathogen management
Stephanie Myles (Superintendent – Environmental Operations | Newmont Goldcorp Boddington)
Newmont Boddington Gold – Biosecurity Hygiene in Mining Operations
Session 4: Cross Sector Collaboration (3:30 - 5:00pm)
Justin Bellanger (Chief Executive Officer | South Coast Natural Resource Management)
Opportunities for whole of sector solutions for plant disease management & policy influence in WA
Justin will then lead us into a facilitated discussion on cross-sector collaboration and Phytophthora management tools for the future
Cameron Crowe (Chair | Dieback Working Group)
Close & Final Address
Canapes from La Mint Café and South Coast region wines and beers provided. Tea, coffee, soft drinks & juices also available.
Day 2: Friday 11th September 2020
South Coast NRM Dieback Information Forum
Session 1: South Coast Forum (8:30 - 10:00am)
Brett Dal Pozzo (Healthy Environments Program Manager | South Coast Natural Resource Management)
Welcome, housekeeping and overview of the day
Project Dieback: a transition from containment to asset
Stephen Hopper (Professor of Biodiversity | Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management | The University of Western Australia )
Dieback and granite kwongkan: threatened species and communities
Tilo Massenbauer (Consultant | TiloMass Environmental Services)
Otpimising hygiene Infrastructure use Behaviour Change; Influencing dirty habits
Deon Utber (Regional Leader Conservation – Parks and Wildlife Service – South Coast Region | Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions)
A short history of dieback management on DBCA managed lands on the South Coast
Session 2: Workshops & Online Tools (10:45 - 1:00pm)
Emer O’Gara (Coordinator Plant Diseases Program – Parks and Wildlife Service | Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions)
Playing your cards right! Green Card – Past, present and future
Vincent Lanoiselet (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
Myrtle rust awareness and surveillance
Laura Fagan (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
MyPestGuide App presentation and demonstration
Tilo Massenbauer (presenting for South Coast NRM)
South Coast NRM DIDMS desktop Phytophthora Dieback Planning Introductory Workshop
Session 3: Field Trips (1:45 - 5:15pm)
Ian Moore & Nathan Ashburner (Disease and Hygiene Standards Officer & Plant Diseases Officer | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions)
Field Trip to Wireless Hill Park: Dieback in natural areas enduring high visitation
Peter Keating (Managing Director | Bioscience)
Field Trip to South Perth Foreshore: Observations of key decline symptoms in Norfolk Island Pine
This event was supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Newmont Boddington Gold, and Perth NRM
This project is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government's State NRM Program