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Treena Burgess

Interim Dean of Research| Murdoch University

 Presentation Title: Molecular tools for the detection of Phytophthora – pros and cons 

Meet the Presenter:

Treena Burgess’ research field is the biology, ecology and genetics of beneficial and detrimental microorganisms in natural ecosystems, plantation forestry and horticulture, with a focus on biodiversity and bioinvasions.  Her studies have ranged from use of mycorrhizal fungi to promote tree growth, the global movement of eucalyptus pathogens, role of canker pathogens in stressed ecosystems, the systematics biology and ecology of Phytophthora and the complex biotic interactions in declining ecosystems.


Treena will talk about research conducted at the Centre for Phytophthora Science and Management at Murdoch University by several PhD students.

Taking the indirect method of baiting soils in order to recover Phytophthora and determine presence or absence, she will introduce new methodologies that could be used for the detection of Phytophthora and discuss the benefits and limitations of these new technologies.

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This event was supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Newmont Boddington Gold, and Perth NRM

This project is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government's State NRM Program

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