Do you work, manage or recreate in natural areas? From earth moving contractors to field researchers, recreational four wheel drivers to land managers. Learn how you can apply simple hygiene and biosecurity steps to minimise your potential impact to our natural bushland. A practical course for people in the field.
This training supports best-practice Biosecurity Hygiene. Developed by industry scientists and the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (WA) it is delivered by DWG Inc. registered trainers. You will learn the skills and knowledge to minimise and manage a range of serious Biosecurity Threats using ‘Phytophthora Dieback’ as a significant widespread example.
This half day course will be held on 27/07/2020 at the South Coast NRM Albany Office, 88 Stead Rd, Albany, 6330. It will include a presentation, a vehicle clean down demonstration, and a field trip to a dieback affected site.
The cost is $49.50 per person for volunteers & community groups and $187 per person for all others (Prices Are GST inclusive).
Contact Mia Hunt on 9845 8637 or at [email protected] to enquire or enrol
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